MightyBands, home gym system

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What's Left?

This past saturday we had the 3rd instructor chi-sao class. This time we focussed on the biu tze chi sao sections. Sure I can take a moment to summarize what we did, but really, that won't do you any good. I'm sure you can find that info in a book or video (eg. person a attacks with spade hand, person b defends with bong sao, etc etc).  Let me give you an idea of what I took away...

People at work asked me what I had planned for the weekend on the Friday before and I mentioned that I had a kung fu class. They realized this was the 3rd one within 6 weeks and asked me, given that I've been doing wing tsun for 'so long': "What more is there for you to learn?"

Beyond the obvious stuff of what there is to learn (biu tze sections, wooden dummy sections, etc), it goes WAY beyond that. Really, in terms of techniques, there isn't much more to add. But it's not the number count of techniques but how the techniques are performed that have to be trained into the body.   It's taking it to the next level.

Those of you who are in SG 12, even technician grades 1 or 2, may think you know what the system offers you, I guarantee you, you have NO idea. You have no idea of what's next in store, what else you need to add to repetoire, what other doors you need to step through.

Sure, maybe you can summon a flurry of chain punches your way through the opponent, but can you unleash hell?  My friends, taking it to the next level will. 

 I'm starting to understand, only able to peak through that door to see what lies ahead. It's the missing link and I look forward to it.  

"How can this be?", you may ask. Well really it comes down to your body's own natural tendencies. As much as you think you've drilled out all those nasty habits of flinching, of keeping weight off the front leg, of being able to chain punch - it's now time to move away from "hacking away the unessentials" and "massaging and feeding the essentials." 

And I have to add - in my karate days, I remember the black belts saying you don't really start learning until you get your black belt. At the time, I thought that was BS - with a black belt you only learn more katas and work on your reverse punch. 

But now I get it. I'm experiencing that. And to those that have made it to SG 12 or higher, and unfortunately left (for thinking 'ya, i got it now'), i say that's a shame and you gotta get your butt back in the kwoon. 

My friends, my journey is taking an evolutionary turn and you're here to experience it with me.

Until then. 

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