While those are all good things, that's not what I'm talking about.
What i love about wing chun is that, in it's application, there is no form to it. There is no martial arts stance or distinguishable position of the arms or legs that say "i know kung fu". Applied, wing chun is formless. It can look like chain punches if the opportunity allows it or looks like a jab if the opportunities allow it, or it looks like a sloppy elbow to the temple of the opportunty allows for it.
There is no form as to how the elbow is applied or how the punch is thrown. all that matters is that the punch got there.
How did it get there? by the great timing, structure, stance and 'wedging' that your wing chun training developed.
And it's just so deceptive too. I'm not a big guy. i don't look threatening in anyway. You see a guy like me on the street, and you don't think twice about me. You wouldn't say, 'don't mess with that guy'. While, for others, you can tell they are training something, whether that's from there tap out t-shirt, or bruised and mashed up knuckles.
I don't have to worry about 'perception' in the bar, by the bouncers, or by other 'alpha males' that puff their chest and hold their beers as they stare away. Instead, confidence and assertiveness resonates but doesn't threaten. Wing chun is very cool if you ask me ;)
Formless is perfect and that is wing chun.
Until then.