Interestingly (and sadly), this was 'proven' recently when an amateur MMA was killed trying to fend off robbers.
But when you think about it, do you think your wing chun or self-defense skills would've faired better? or do you think the argument of "not doing anything because you know better" is, itself, the self-defense move?
Competitive fighting, while very different from street self-defense, still carries on many similarities and to completely ignore it, is, in my opinion, a shame.
Yes, the variables are different. Yes, there is hard cement. Yes, there are multiple attackers
BUT how do you plan on hurting your attacker so that you don't go to the ground?
With punches, kicks, elbows, knees, headbutts, etc.
These basic tools are found in competitive fighting and it's in competitive fighting that these tools are trained to oblivion, perfected, tweaked and under enormous pressure against uncooperative partners.
When they punch, they punch hard.
When they kick, they kick hard.
When they elbow, they mean it.
When they take someone down, there is purpose.
These tools are required for self-defense. So competitive fighting does have its place.
I had the chance to watch the entire (and only) season of Fight Quest recently. You can right away see the difference in how difficult it was for the hosts to fight against competitive fighters vs. the arts that claimed to be more 'self-defense' oriented. You could also see the shock in many of the 'self-defense' fighters when they were hit and hit HARD by the hosts who have MMA background - you can see it in their eyes and frustrations and then with that, them being thrown to the ground even more.
Some how, the FightQuest hosts, when natural reflexes kicked in, was able to kick harder, punch harder and with more impact than the 'self-defense' fighters.
So regardless of whether the variables are controlled or not, if you can punch hard, under stress and against an uncooperative partner, who cares?
Self-defense may be different from competitive fighting, but i think that competitive fighters can knock you out and, like it or not, that's really the end game.
Until then.