MightyBands, home gym system

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Legs are cool

So in my last post, I discussed the idea of kinetic linking in wing tsun training. The idea being that chi sao and other training tools in the curriculum allow for the practitioner to create this linking and ability to do so more efficiently so that he can absorb force and deliver strikes in a completely upright position, instead of having to take a low/wide stance when throwing a punch or kick.

So once you figure out the kinetic linking idea, you start to realize what muscles you are using (it's a sign that your body is getting more efficient at this!). Now most of the time, we focus on arms and chest. And as you get better, the shoulder, and back muscles too. But we can't forget the legs!

The legs are incredibly huge muscles and shouldn't be ignored. Although not as obvious in the scheme of fighting (beyond kicking), the legs are used to connect your upper torso to the ground. They transfer energy into the ground and from the ground upwards into the arms. SO, my point is, train the legs and the better it can transfer this energy either one way or the other.

As your legs get stronger, that means it can transfer energy out (your punchers are powerful) or that it can absorb a huge amount of energy (your bong sao or pak sao gets incredibly heavier and structured). If you work your legs out regularly, you also increase the limberness in the joints as well as the muscles themselves.

I'm not asking to squat abnormal amount of weights. I'm just saying, don't forget them! I'm sure many of you are doing pushups but why not throw some body weight squats into the mix? or some forward lunges? Even knee bends will help lubricate the joints. You have to admit, standing in IRAS (internal rotation adduction stance) can really make your legs stiff..almost dead. So add a leg exercise to your repetoire in between your SNT and chain punch training..

Until then.

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